One of my favorite hobbies is guitar, I learned how to play in highschool and have been playing since.
I know how to play electric, acoustic, and bass, and I have played a bunch of different styles,
chords, melody, fingerstyle and slide guitar. My favorite style is fingerstyle because you can play by yourself
and still get melody harmony and bass lines all at the same time.
The rest of this is just to fill up space so the page looks
a little more filled out, it just makes it look nicer and less empty. There is not really anything more I can think of
to right about guitar. It's a pretty straightforward hobby, and theres not a lot to it.
Granted, with electric guitar
you can really get into it by getting different amplifiers and other accessories like distortion pedals
to help distort your sound and get specific sounds, but I have never really delved into any of that, I prefer acoustic
a bit more, and you can play it anywhere without needing somewhere to plug in just to get a good sound out of the instrument.