Analysis of FHSU's Website

Things I like about this site

The website has a consistent color palette and is appealing to the eye.
Pictures and columns are placed in a way that make the layout interesting.
And the navigation bar is pretty straight-forward making it easy to find
exactly what anyone who accesses the site might be looking for.

Things I don't like about this site

  1. I don't like how clicking the athletics link on the navigation tab
    takes you to a new website instead of just a page

  2. The visit link on the first navigation bar at the top of the website
    is different than the visit button in the footer

  3. I think the design of the upcoming events section of the
    homepage could be better, lot of empty space and darkness

  4. On the page about studying abroad, they could show some pictures
    of the different places they offer or pictures of past trips students
    have been on. It would make it more interesting